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Teen Pregnancy / STI Prevention 

Hanover Park, Kane County,

Elk Grove, and Palatine

The Teen Pregnancy and STI Prevention (TPP) Grant focuses on engaging youth in trauma-informed prevention education that allows them to make more informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health. Through our program, youth learn to work together to create communication campaigns, educational materials, and prevention activities that focus on educational enrichment, communication strengthening, and safer learning environments for youth.


Our program’s initiative is to reduce rates of Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections within our service area by: 

  • Imple­ment­ing evi­dence-based pre­ven­tion edu­ca­tion in high schools, mid­dle schools, and com­mu­ni­ty settings;

  • Cre­at­ing Nation­al Teen Preg­nan­cy Pre­ven­tion Month activities;

  • Main­tain­ing a Youth Advi­so­ry Coun­cil; and

  • Main­tain­ing a Com­mu­ni­ty Advi­so­ry Group to ensure ser­vices are rel­e­vant to the community


Our target communities are the Village of Hanover Park, Kane County, Elk Grove Village, and Palatine Township. Our mission is to “Organize, educate, and engage the community to develop youth who have the skills to make healthy reproductive choices.” We pride ourselves on building relationships with schools and developing strategies to support the community in addressing reproductive health disparities.


View our 2020 Teen Pregnancy and STI Prevention Newsletter

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