Prevention At The Drive-In:
Youth Arts, Health, and Community Building
Presented by the Youth Advisory Councils
of the CPYD Coalition
Wednesday, May 12, 2021, 7:00p - 8:45p
Trickster Cultural Center
190 S. Roselle Rd | Schaumburg, IL | 60193
Free (registration required)
We invite students, youth, adults, families, community leaders,
and all other interested members to attend!
CPYD Coalition's annual youth-led Town Hall presents Prevention at the Drive-In!
This evening promotes youth voices, art, health, and community in the suburbs. Come out in your car or sit outside and join us for an interactive evening of fun, family-friendly events. Social distancing and masks are mandatory. Popcorn, cotton candy, and soda will be served.
a youth art show featuring the LGBTQ Center's Rainbow Room YAC.
interactive group art projects including rock painting, affirmation wall, and community painting.
a student film and discussion on how the pandemic shaped their lives in the past year, 'Zoomed Out'
a youth panel discussion on the effects of the pandemic:
substance use,
mental health,
resources that youth need.
and community resource fair, including games, prizes, information, tips, and more!
This event will be socially distanced and safe. Participants can either pull up in their vehicle (drive-in style), sit in outdoor seating, or watch from Facebook Live.
Registration is required. This event is free and open for all ages.
We'd love to see you at Prevention at the Drive-in!
Want to learn more about our work? Check out the videos from our past events:
5th Annual CPYD Town Hall, May 2019
Artists in Recovery, September 2019
LGBTQ+ Teen and Young Adult Center Open House, October 2019